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Maddie Vaziri's Post Archives

Debate Team Heads to Nationals

The team of Michael Retchin and Parker Graham qualified for Nationals after competing among 28 teams in Toledo on Friday, February 19, and Saturday, February 20.

Opinion & Editorial

Let Obama Choose Scalia’s Successor

I find a successful Obama Supreme Court appointment so necessary not because I’m a stern constitutionalist, but because the front-runners Trump and Cruz, who are using their influences to drag the Republican party further into extremism and absurdity, could get to make the decision instead.

Academy’s Debate Duo Heads to States

The debate team competed in districts on February 6th, hoping to earn a spot in states in its opening year. The paired debaters,  Caroline Anders’17 and Parker Graham’17, fulfilled this goal and will represent Academy’s first students at the state competition, held in Cincinnati in March. Districts were held at Gahanna Lincoln High School in

News Top Stories


Last spring, in her class president candidacy speech, Christina Lee promised her class a “senior lock-in.” Despite the unlikelihood that a school sleepover of 92 eighteen year-olds could be achieved, Lee prevailed. With the help of the upper school faculty and a meticulously planned and extraordinary night,  all involved transformed a Friday night into a memorable gift

Academy’s Debate Team Places 2nd Among 24 Teams

Michael Retchin’16 and Parker Graham’17 attended their second debate tournament of the month on December 12th in Upper Arlington. On fire from their first place finish last week, the pair was ready to compete among 24 other teams, making it their largest tournament yet.

November 11: Academy’s Bells Toll

An ethereal weight pulled the skies to the earth, and a foggy heaviness curled around pillars and pressed against the dewy grass. This mist hung over the silhuouttes of somber students and staff, who stood together on the morning of November 11th to commemorate the sacrifices of our Academy veterans.