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Andrew Cahall's Post Archives

In Praise of Normal: A Senior’s Covid-19 Reflection 

Where do I even begin? To be honest I’ve stopped reading or watching the news; even if I hadn’t there’s not much I could say that hasn’t already been said.  I just want things to go back to normal. That’s it. Pretty ironic. Like most seniors, all I’ve done for the past few months (or


Photos/Ella Morris and Henry Rubey  Band Impresses Before OMEA Competition On February 25 in the Schoedinger Theater, Academy’s concert band showcased its repertoire in preparation for the OMEA (Ohio Music Educator’s Association) Ensemble Contest on March 6.  “In Tantum Lux” by Todd Stadler, the band’s opening number, displayed a series of alternating tones and moods throughout

Model UN & JSA Vikes Take the Nation’s Capital

Suzy L’Hommedieu, Ashi Gunawardena, and Jake Huddleston at this year’s Model UN. (Courtesy/Amy Berkley) Over the long Presidents’ Day weekend, two groups of Columbus Academy students traveled to Washington, D.C. for Model United Nations and Junior States of America events.  Over 40 Upper School students joined nearly 3,000 national and international high school delegates at The

Winter Formal’s Wild “Jungle Jam”

  Ready to Jam. (Liesel Goldfarb’22/Media)   Judging by the 2020 CA Winter Formal Instagram page, which featured creative quizzes and hilarious geography-themed interviews conducted by resident expert Anay Reddy ’20 in weeks leading up to the dance, this year’s Winfo Committee stayed up until nearly midnight prepping the night before the dance, only to

Soleimani’s Assasination Leaves A Less Safe World

Thousand of Iranians Mourn General Qassim Soleimani on January 6th. (Majid Asgaripour via Wikimedia Commons) Thanks to last Friday’s drone-strike assassination of Iranian Major General Qassim Soleimani, we ring in a new decade amidst millions’ calls for “Death to America” and memes about WWIII and the selective service populating our instagram feeds These concerns are only

An Evening of Comic One- Acts Dazzle in New Theater

(Andrew Cahall’21/Staff)   Friday and Saturday, November 1 and 2, Academy’s Fall Student Production, “An Evening of Comic One Acts”  . . .  well, it happened.  Academy’s renovated theater, with its balcony and dark colors designed for a more theatrically intimate, modern “box” feel was appropriately christened by a trippy, avant-garde production that was no

Academy Welcomes Inaugural Girls Golf Team 

Academy’s largest female golf team with Coach Maggie Freytag. (Courtesy/Cindy Wilson via Columbus Academy Facebook) This year’s fielding of a complete —and sizable— girls golf team marks a new era in CA  athletics. On August 6, the Columbus Academy girls golf program hit the course for its 2019 debut at the Mid-State-League preseason tournament.  Coached by

If Barr is Right, Mueller’s Report Won’t Change Many Minds

William Barr’s March 24 letter to Congress gave a look into what can be expected in the forthcoming Special Counsel report. (Wikimedia Commons via US Dept. of Justice) Several weeks ago, Attorney General William Barr published his summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s inquiry into the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia and subsequent obstruction

Trump’s Emergency Declaration a Danger to Democracy

  President Trump deliberates an executive order in the Oval Office (Joyce N. Boghosian via On Friday, February 15, President Trump declared a state of national emergency on immigration at the southern Border. This measure would presumably allow Trump to bypass Congress and commandeer the billions in wall funding refused to him in recent shutdown

Ralph Northam Must Resign

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s Yearbook photo has reopened our country’s deep racial wounds. (Lee District Democratic Committee via Wikimedia Commons) On Friday, February 8, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam said that he intends to serve out the rest of his term fighting for “racial equity.” The best way for him to do that is to resign.