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Panya Bhinder's Post Archives

Janet Fireman, Sumona Lester, Beckie Hoagland (Compiled by Carolyn Vaziri'22)

A Q&A with Dr. Lester, Nurse Fireman, and Nurse Hoagland on Vaccinations

In light of the increasing number of vaccinations available in Ohio, The Academy Life sat down with US biology teacher, Dr. Lester, and our school nurses, Ms. Fireman and Ms. Hoagland, to learn more about the science and effectiveness of the three vaccines: Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, and Pfizer. Pulling from both research and experience,

Martin Luther King, Jr. speaks at Interfaith Civil Rghts Rall y at the San Francisco Cow Palace, June 30, 1964 (Flickr)

Academy Honors Black History Month

Amid our uncertain world, our re-evaluation of American history, a movement for racial justice, and a raging pandemic, Academy stood in solidarity with Black Americans during Black History Month in February. As Academy celebrated Black History Month, we recognized that Black history is American history.  We celebrated Black leaders, whose names both remain at the forefront

Vaccine Update

(Pixabay) As a greater vaccine distribution moves forward, the volume of information regarding the vaccine itself–who gets it and the timeline–can be confusing. First, every state has received a limited supply of vaccines proportional to its population, and as states move forward with their plans, more will be provided. Ohio has a phased approach to

Academy Hosts Drive-Through Testings

(Wikimedia Commons) Over our winter break, Academy partnered with PrimaryOne Health to provide 2 free drive-through COVID-19 testing events for Academy students, faculty, and parents on Tuesday, December 22 and on Monday, December 28. In the first testing event, held in the athletics parking lot, families drove into a line of parked cars to receive

Online Learning: No Choice as Cases Surge

Deciding to Stay Online

(Pixabay) Once Academy moved to 100% capacity, my family and I, like many others in our community, made the difficult decision of going all online to protect ourselves or loved ones at home.  Online learning has its bright sides. Avoiding the transportation time to get to and from school and sleeping in are a luxury,

Wellness in Winter

(Wikimedia Commons).  The cases in Ohio are at an all time high, and, with the winter season setting in, it might only get worse from here.  Ohio reached its record number of cases in one day on October 29, with 3,845 cases reported. However, a more indicative statistic of the rate of transmission of the

Social Distancing: Critical

Social distancing: vital to on-campus life (Pixabay). CA requires several measures to enforce social distancing: seating is spaced six-feet apart, one-way hallways, disinfecting desktops.  As carefully planned as these policies are, some groups of students are not following procedures. It’s up to us to keep our community safe.

Contact Tracing at Higher Capacities

Contact tracing flow chart (Wikimedia Commons).  Academy’s guidelines on contact tracing and quarantine (Columbus Academy Campus Reopening Plan) As we have had more students come back to campus, keeping track of and minimizing positive COVID cases have been the school’s chief concern. Because of this, CA has implemented a vigorous and efficient system of contact

Staying Connected in Shared Spaces

Students sitting on Lazareth Courtyard stumps. (Isabella Morris’22/Media) Anticipating the school year in its hybrid form, my friends and I were worried about how we would spend time together throughout the school day. With the dining hall and lounge seatings reduced to account for social distancing, it seemed like popular gathering spaces were no longer

Girls Golf Places First in MSL Post-Season Tournament

Eva Baker’23 takes a swing (Courtesy/Maggie Fretag). Our girls golf team took first place finish at the MSL Post-Season Tournament at Westchester Golf Course on Tuesday, September 22. Taking on four other talented squads, Academy won with a team score of 345, beating 2nd place CSG  by 13 strokes. Grace Luo’23 led with 81. Eliza