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Winter Formal: An 11/10 Experience

Lights and dancing at Winter Formal. Julia Gurevtiz’19/Media The Senior Dance Committee had an unprecedented assignment to fulfill after announcing its theme for this year’s Winter Formal theme as Netflix’s Stranger Things. Modeled after a recent top hit TV show, both nationwide and among Columbus Academy students, the already highly anticipated event was preceded by


Academy Impresses at OMEA

(Flickr) On Saturday, January 27, Columbus Academy students competed at OMEA’s solo and ensemble competition, held at Reynoldsburg High School’s Summit Campus.  Academy’s Choir sent 18 soloists and 4 ensembles, of whom 90% earned a superior rating (I), and 10% earned an excellent rating (II). Orchestra sent 21 soloists and 3 ensembles with 63% earning


A Personal Process, A Unifying Experience

(Julia Gurevitz’19/Media) Morris Hall’s most recent art exhibit provides the Academy community with a rare opportunity, featuring the work of world-renowned ceramicist Toshiko Takaezu. This marks an important milestone, for the collection is by far the most prestigious Academy has yet to host. The gallery took diligent effort to coordinate, and each piece had to


Vittoria: An Italian Gem

Vittoria’s homemade pasta and marinara. (David Cooperman/Staff) Since 2008, Vittoria Ristorante has been a popular pick for lovers of Italian food.  Located at 10241 Sawmill Pkwy in Powell, Vittoria’s menu ranges from modern Italian to classic meat and seafood options. Most popular before an entre are its calamari ($10), wedding soup ($4), and the Caesar


Movie Review: Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

(Flickr) There is nothing better than a good cinema remake of a beloved classic, and last year’s Jumanji: Welcome To the Jungle, hit the mark. Rather than a clone of the 1995 original, the modern computerized twist adds refreshing touch to the storyline, while paying appropriate homage to the original. Jumanji is no longer a


A Personal Process: The Art & Life of Toshiko Takaezu

(Julia Gurevitz’19/Media) From Pedro Mana, Columbus Academy’s Fine Arts Department Chair:  US Ceramics teacher, and former Toshiko apprentice, Andy Rahe, has arranged a unique spotlight into the creative mind from a pioneer who elevated Ceramics into a Fine Art. Takaezu’s artwork is in the collections of museums worldwide including The National Museum of Modern Art,


High School Bands Electrify The Basement

(Courtesy/Sarah Morris’18) There’s something magical about seeing your peers on a big stage.  Maybe it’s the pride that comes with seeing their success, or maybe it’s exhilaration at the possibility that you, too, could reach new heights. Either way, a similarly electrifying vigor filled the dark room of The Basement when four enthusiastic high school


“Crossing Borders” Journeys to Academy 

(Courtesy/Columbus Crossing Borders Project) On Sunday, December 10, Academy’s visual arts department hosted the traveling art exhibit created by the Columbus Crossing Borders Project, featuring 34 local artists with stops at the University School in Nashville, Xavier University, and the Zanesville Museum of Art before its return to Columbus for a week long engagement here


Wrath of Wednesday’s Upcoming Basement Gig

(Wrath of Wednesday performs at Kafe Kerouac. (Courtesy/Wrath of Wednesday’s Facebook page) In the music industry, many factors depend on who you know. For senior Ben Ross and his band Wrath of Wednesday, an introduction to an event coordinator at a grad party last summer turned into an exciting upcoming show at The Basement, a