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Bittania T.'s Post Archives


Service Board Begs for Cans Benefits Kids 4 Kids Drive

Shapers distributing flyers (Courtesy/ Ms.Bening) On October 31, from 6-8 p.m., Service Boad volunteers sporting their best costumes will visit local homes in Gahanna for the annual “begging for cans” service event. Mr. Morford, who has hosted this event 15 years, will meet students at his house to begin their eventful night. The shapers have


Thirty-three Units donated at Fall Blood Drive

(Courtesy/Ms. Bening) On Thursday, October 17, Service Board partnered with The American Red Cross to host our first blood drive of the year in the Athletic Lobby from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. We exceeded our goal with 35 presenting donors and collected 33 units of blood, which includes one power-red cell procedure which is


Service Board Prepares for K4K

Volunteers at label making (Courtesy/Alicia L.) On Friday, October 11, Service Board volunteers gathered in Ms. Bening’s room to create labels for the Kids-4-Kids food drive. They carefully crafted advisory labels to distinguish each collection box, earning half an event for this endeavor.  After the PSAT on Thursday, October 17, volunteers will construct the boxes


Service Board Clothing Closet’s “Glow Up”

(Courtesy/Ms. Bening) Have you ever spilled a drink on your shorts or got a rip in your shirt? The clothing closet is a viable solution for any of these problems. On Monday, October 7, the Service board hosted a closet “glow up” event, getting a structural major make-over, funded by a generous anonymous donor. The


Serving by Apple Picking at Lynds

(Courtesy/Ms. Bening and Ms. Roberts) On Saturday, September 22, Columbus Academy hosted its annual apple-picking event from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Lynds Fruit Farm. Apple varieties ready for picking include Rome, Sun Crisp, and Crimson Crisp .  Service Board and PACA representatives initiated this tradition 18 years ago with the goal to provide fresh


Dr. Lester’s advisory at Ronald McDonald House

Courtesy/Dr. Lester On Friday, August 30, the Upper School participated in Columbus Academy’s annual Service Day, or the “best day of the year” when advisories volunteer at food banks, childcare centers, gardens, and senior centers in central Ohio. This undertaking also introduces students to sites where they can complete their hours and creates a school


Sophomores Serve on School’s First Day

To kick off the new school year, the sophomore class participated in a Service Day early on Monday, August 19. Each advisory traveled different sites to contribute to the community, including the Mid-Ohio Food Collective, the Broad Street Food Pantry, LifeCare Alliance, Faith Mission, and new partners: Level the Playing Field, Gahanna Community Garden, and


Service Board’s Final Blood Drive of the Year

On Wednesday, April 10, Service Board and The American Red Cross hosted our year’s final Blood Drive in the Athletic Complex from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Based on faculty, staff, and students’ donations, 30 units of blood were collected, potentially saving more than 30 lives. Snacks were provided for anyone donating to prevent dizziness


Service Board’s Newly Elected Shapers

(Caroline M./Media) by Bittania T. On Monday, March 4, the current shapers of the Service Board voted for the new shapers, all of whom made good progress toward completing their off-campus hours and had approved Service proposals. They completed all of their events to meet the Service Board’s requirements. They will be expected to lead


Service Board’s New Shapers

(Caroline M./Media) by Bittania T. New Year, new Shapers! The race for new shapers has begun in our Service Board. The existing shapers vote on March 4 to determine who the new shapers will be. Shapers are elected leaders on the Service Board with additional steering committee meetings. Shapers are committed to service on and