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Bittania T.'s Post Archives


Service Board’s Annual Faculty & Staff Appreciation Day

(Courtesy/Ms.Bening) Friday, February 20, marked Faculty Staff Appreciation Day(FSAD), and students presented those celebrated with snacks, coffee, letters, and much appreciation. Starting at 8:20 a.m., four sessions of volunteers, each session dividing and conquering with one of five carts delivering tasty treats such as chips, chocolates, bars, and fruit snacks with drinks like sparkling water,


Serving for the MS Musical, Spongebob

Pixabay Do you need in-school service hours? Help our drama department with two serving opportunities during the middle school performance of Spongebob on Friday, January 31, and Saturday, February 1. The theatre department needs five ushers and one student as box manager for two performances. Box office managers must arrive at 6:30 p.m. to handle cash and


Serving Through Baking 4 Good and Blood Drive 

(Courtesy/@caserviceboard) If you want to gain events, even though next week is a four-day, two significant serving opportunities are available. On Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, day,  Service Board will hosting Baking 4 Good in the Dining Hall. Volunteers will prepare dough and make bread rolls to be donated to Faith Mission and decorate


Service Board Adjusts Proposal Guidelines

Pixabay The Service Board tweaked the proposal guidelines for the first time in 10 years, implementing new rules and regulations that passed unanimously on Tuesday, January 7. The revisions followed challenges in reviewing complex service site proposals and prompting the need for clearer, more consistent guidelines. After an extended shaper meeting reviewing the recent complications,


Briefs of the Week

(Lila P., Ela K/Staff) Flickr Service Board and Art Society Partner to Decorate Holiday Cookies Do you need last-minute in-school Service hours or events? Do not worry because the Service Board and Art Society are partnering for the first time to host a cookie decorating event on Thursday, December 19, from 1 to 3 p.m.


End of the Semester Serving Opportunities

Bowls prepared for Empty Bowls (Bittania T./Staff) As the semester ends, time to complete events is fleeing, yet plenty of events are left.  On Friday, December 13, Academy will host its annual Empty Bowls event at the Westerville Senior Center at 350 N. Cleveland Ave., Westerville, from 5 to 7 p.m. Proceeds will go to


Service Board Wraps up Kids 4 Kid

(Courtesy/Ms.Bening) Academy’s annual service project supporting local families concluded this past week with two key events: transferring boxes to the dining hall and delivering them to their sites. On Friday, November 22, the Service Board organized an event to transfer family boxes from classrooms to the dining hall in preparation for loading cars the following


Kids-4-Kids: Volunteers Serve at “Night In”

Caroline M./Staff From 6-9:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 7, Service Board hosted its annual “Night In,” led by shapers Lara W., Miranda B-Y., Maddie E., Mmesoma N., and Katie N. The event began with a presentation from Susan Swinford and Emily Rials’07, founders and directors of Columbus Food Rescue, a program that fights local waste


Service Board Begs for Cans Benefits Kids 4 Kids Drive

Shapers distributing flyers (Courtesy/ Ms.Bening) On October 31, from 6-8 p.m., Service Boad volunteers sporting their best costumes will visit local homes in Gahanna for the annual “begging for cans” service event. Mr. Morford, who has hosted this event 15 years, will meet students at his house to begin their eventful night. The shapers have


Thirty-three Units donated at Fall Blood Drive

(Courtesy/Ms. Bening) On Thursday, October 17, Service Board partnered with The American Red Cross to host our first blood drive of the year in the Athletic Lobby from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. We exceeded our goal with 35 presenting donors and collected 33 units of blood, which includes one power-red cell procedure which is