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Camila Jones's Post Archives

“Wait a Minute”: Academy’s TEDx Premiere

(Photo/Whitney Dankworth’17. Media Team) After months of hard work and planning from students, faculty, parents, and speakers alike, the first TEDx Columbus Academy event took place on February 4. The updated Dining Hall space was decorated with gray curtains and red accents as the audience of more than 100 community members buzzed with anticipation for

2016 Commencement Speaker: Ryan Vesler’01

Looking back upon his time at Academy, Ryan Vesler says he’s come  to appreciate the faculty in a different way as he came to understand who they were and what they’re about, knowing that they all supported him.

Zika’s Threat

A dangerous mosquito-transmitted virus that has already spread over all of  South America, Central America, the Caribbean is making its way into North America through Mexico. The Zika virus is the latest global epidemic that has terrorized millions. The Zika virus’ symptoms include headaches, pinkeye, and a mild fever, all of which might not sound

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2015 Celebration of Leadership Interview with Alison Levine

Following this year’s presentation of Columbus Academy’s Annual Celebration of Leadership Assembly, seven Academy Life staff members had the opportunity to sit down with Alison Levine and discuss her life as a business woman, explorer, mountaineer, and leader of the first American Women’s Everest Expedition. Additionally, Levine is a New York Times bestselling author of

Questioning a Goodbye to Bacon

Goodbye to bacon? Not so fast. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a cancer-studying subcategory of the World Health Organization, announced last week that consuming processed meat, like sausage, beef jerky, and yes, bacon, may lead to colorectal cancer. The IARC stated in its press release that eating 2 oz of processed meat

Guatemalan President Resigns Amid Corruption Scandal

With an arrest warrant issued in his name and the population in protest, Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina resigned on September 2 after accusations of corruption. Weekly protests have ensued throughout the country since April when the allegations first surfaced.