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Service Board Adjusts Proposal Guidelines

Pixabay The Service Board tweaked the proposal guidelines for the first time in 10 years, implementing new rules and regulations that passed unanimously on Tuesday, January 7. The revisions followed challenges in reviewing complex service site proposals and prompting the need for clearer, more consistent guidelines. After an extended shaper meeting reviewing the recent complications,


Throwing in Ceramics for Shelter with Empty Bowls

(Melanie Q./Staff) Spending hours in the ceramics room molding clay and throwing bowls, ceramics students have been preparing for the our annual Empty Bowls Service event. Attendees buy a $20 ticket for a handmade bowl of their choice, unlimited soup, crackers, beverage, and a cookie. They may also purchase a $1 raffle ticket or 6


A Tribute for Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day

CASE staff with several Student Council members. (Melanie Q./Staff) Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day (FSAD) celebrates the dedication and impact of educators and support staff who shape our community Last year, student council introduced Babysitting Night as part of our FSAD events. The program was designed to provide teachers and staff with young children a


Briefs of the Week

(Lila P., Ela K/Staff) Flickr Service Board and Art Society Partner to Decorate Holiday Cookies Do you need last-minute in-school Service hours or events? Do not worry because the Service Board and Art Society are partnering for the first time to host a cookie decorating event on Thursday, December 19, from 1 to 3 p.m.


Seniors Embark on Professional Networking

(Courtesy/Mandy Mallot ‘03) With Academy’s annual Holiday Luncheon approaching on Friday, December 20, Alumni Board President Mandy Mallott gave the senior class an “Importance of Networking” presentation on Thursday, December 5, during lunch. Along with her position on the Alumni Board, she is an Upper School swim coach and Director of the Ohio State Early


End of the Semester Serving Opportunities

Bowls prepared for Empty Bowls (Bittania T./Staff) As the semester ends, time to complete events is fleeing, yet plenty of events are left.  On Friday, December 13, Academy will host its annual Empty Bowls event at the Westerville Senior Center at 350 N. Cleveland Ave., Westerville, from 5 to 7 p.m. Proceeds will go to


Service Board Wraps up Kids 4 Kid

(Courtesy/Ms.Bening) Academy’s annual service project supporting local families concluded this past week with two key events: transferring boxes to the dining hall and delivering them to their sites. On Friday, November 22, the Service Board organized an event to transfer family boxes from classrooms to the dining hall in preparation for loading cars the following


Seniors Partake in School’s First Friendsgiving

(Courtesy/ Senior Class) Trailblazing has been a common theme for the class of 2025. The new senior potluck was no exception as another  tradition has come to fruition. On Wednesday, November 21, from 6-8 p.m, Friendsgiving, a potluck headed by Melanie Q., who saw an “Instagram post about a school’s holiday dinner” and decided to


Students Work Polls for November Elections

(Courtesy/Franklin County Board of Elections) On Tuesday, November 5, for 13 upper schooler students participated in the Youth at the Booth initiative by working at polling stations on Election Day, an undertaking launched by ceramics teacher, Charity White, in 2020, when the pandemic caused a significant decrease in the number of poll workers, as many


Students Present Research from CAApS Program Internships 

On Thursday, November 14, during lunch, juniors and seniors presented their summer internship research projects to classmates, teachers, and Academy’s trustees, as part of the Columbus Academy Applied Science Program (CAApS), an internship that collaborates with The Ohio State College of Engineering.   Students work in research labs of various fields, including computer science, engineering, and