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The Academy Life Welcomes You to our Community

The Academy Life welcomes all members of our Academy community back to school after these past few trying months. We have been so inspired by how our Viking family has responded to new health protocols and the transition to both virtual and hybrid learning. 

From our faculty’s enduring efforts to ensure a safe, comfortable learning environment to our first responders’ sacrifices on the pandemic’s frontlines to a senior’s donation to support struggling families via the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, this crisis has proved our commitment to some of the etched values on our institution’s walls: compassion, responsibility, empathy, moral courage. 

This rampant crisis has also re-emphasized the importance of journalistic integrity and transparency: the news is now more important than ever. 

We, The Academy Life staff, understand that our CA community can no longer attend many events in-person and recognize our duty to provide frequent coverage in the face of these unpredictable circumstances. 

We look forward to providing you with our weekly newsletters that include school news, updates, sports’ summaries, editorials from our Board regarding global affairs, and our regular sections.

We are excited to continue our service to the Academy community and beyond, and we wish everyone a safe and enjoyable return to school. 

From the 2020-21 Co-Editors’ in Chief,

Regan Cornelius’21,  Josh Tu’21,Carolyn Vaziri‘22


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