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DESI Celebrates Diwali at Assembly

(Courtesy/Priya R.) Leaders of the DESI club share the origin of Diwali (Courtesy/Columbusacademy Instagram) Academy’s DESI club revitalized its annual Diwali assembly on Monday, November 4, at assembly. Led by presidents Ridah A., Arnav N., Priya R., and Sunil S., the club shared facts about the holiday’s origin, as well as performing a dance for


Divisions Celebrate Halloween

Caroline M./Staff As the leaves transformed and the air turns crisp, the feeling of fall is in the air. This season houses a variety of activities our community can enjoy.  Corn Maze at Lynd’s Fruit Farm at 9851 Morse Rd.  – For $11, Lynd’s offers an 8-acre treasure hunt or a 1-acre maze for the

Sports Catch Up

Flickr It is finally that time of year, dubbed by many as the greatest season for sports, in which the NFL and College Football are going strong, the NBA and NHL seasons are beginning, and most importantly: October baseball. With so many narratives and storylines going on, here are some of the most prominent ones

Carving Memories with our Kindergarten Buddies

Ellie T./Staff Senior year comes with its unique stressors, but it also brings some of the best Academy traditions along with it. On Tuesday, October 22, in the midst of early college applications and the end of the first quarter, the seniors made their way during an early advisory meeting to the dining hall to

The Heisman Trophy

(Courtesy/ Wikimedia Commons) The Heisman Memorial trophy, one of the most coveted awards in all of sports, is given annually to the most outstanding college football player in the country. Past and present greats across the NFL have hoisted it, including Barry Sanders, Tim Brown, Joe Burrow, and Lamar Jackson. Entering the 2024 college football

Service Board Begs for Cans Benefits Kids 4 Kids Drive

Shapers distributing flyers (Courtesy/ Ms.Bening) On October 31, from 6-8 p.m., Service Boad volunteers sporting their best costumes will visit local homes in Gahanna for the annual “begging for cans” service event. Mr. Morford, who has hosted this event 15 years, will meet students at his house to begin their eventful night. The shapers have

Thirty-three Units donated at Fall Blood Drive

(Courtesy/Ms. Bening) On Thursday, October 17, Service Board partnered with The American Red Cross to host our first blood drive of the year in the Athletic Lobby from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. We exceeded our goal with 35 presenting donors and collected 33 units of blood, which includes one power-red cell procedure which is

CASA Strikes Chords for Community

Dr. Olay Alonso performs. (Coutesy/Katie V.)   The delicious smells (of hamburgers and cookies) wafting through the Dining Hall during lunch period were accompanied by beautiful strains of music on Wednesday, Oct. 9. Columbus Academy’s Spanish Affinity group (CASA) enlivened Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations by inviting Dr. Orlay Alonso, an accomplished pianist in the CA

Busy week for Vikings

Lila P./Staff The Vikings have a busy week, beginning on Monday, with the girls and boys golf teams at states. On Tuesday we have extended advisory time, and there is a Clothing Closet pop-up. Students can volunteer during blocks 4 and 5 on Mobile Serve. Also, volleyball has an away game against Grove City at

A Lesson on Unhealthy Relationships: One Love

Pixabay The sophomores recently watched a short film accompanied by a lesson on healthy relationships created by the One Love Foundation and sponsored by the family of a college student who lost her life from an abusive relationship. School’s counselors and health teachers, Mrs. Dillon and Ms. Hines, supervised the feature. The lesson taught students