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Ride and Return: CoGo Bikes

365 Bikes, 46 Stations. Flickr.Paul Sableman Throughout Columbus, Upper Arlington, and Bexley, new CoGo bike stations have been a hit. CoGo bikes are docked in set stations, and people can rent them to travel around Columbus. There are 3 different passes that allow you unlimited 30-minute rides around the city. And as winter approaches rapidly, people


Fall Play Review: “Twelve Angry Jurors”

Jurors begin deliberation. Grace Harrison’19/Staff On November 2 and 3 at 7:30PM in the Schoedinger Theater, the cast of Twelve Angry Jurors performed a drama of jurors assigned to a murder case. In the beginning, eleven jurors vote “guilty” with one who votes “innocent.” Opinions change as juror question about evidence and facts.  Each juror has


Freshii: Fast and Flavorful

Freshii Logo- Wikimedia Commonscom) If you are looking for a quick healthy bite that’s fast and local, Freshii, one of the nation’s fastest growing health brands, is right down the road. Freshhii boasts spicy lemongrass soup, smokehouse burritos, kale and spinach smoothies, buffalo wraps and any combination you can think of from its seven categories of options.


Tora: Sushi and More

The California Roll. David Cooperman’20/Staff There are plenty of restaurants in close proximity to Columbus Academy. However, Tora might be the best of all of them. Located directly across Hamilton Road from Stoneridge, Tora offers a wide variety of both sushi and other Asian dishes. Sushi fans will be enthralled with the vast selection of


The Old Bag of Nails: A Classic Pub

Old Bag of Nails at Creekside location. Courtesy/ With nine locations in the Central Ohio area, the closest The Old Bag of Nails to school is just 2.4 miles down the road at Creekside. One of the most interesting features of the restaurant’s inside is the ceiling: it is covered with signed playing cards. Every


Haunted Homecoming: A Spooky Saturday

Students attending Haunted Homecoming. Riley Hennessy’20/Media On Saturday, October 13, Columbus Academy upper schoolers gathered in the Dining Hall for the annual Homecoming dance. With Halloween just a couple of weeks away, the 2018 Sophomore Committee chose a fitting “Haunted” Homecoming. The walkway up to the Dining Hall building was transformed into a ghostly cemetery


J. Cole’s KOD Tour

J. Cole at the Schottenstein Center.  Eliana Jenkins/Staff Months after the release of his fifth studio album, KOD, rapper J.Cole announced the KOD Tour, featuring 36 dates. The theme of the tour revolves around his latest album-a concept album on pain and ways people deal with it. The acronym KOD can be mean Kids On


Fall Play: Twelve Angry Jurors

The entire show takes place in a courtroom. (Pixabay) Based on a 1957 movie,  Twelve Angry Men, this year’s fall play: Twelve Angry Jurors will have both male and female students in the cast. This drama centers upon an 11-1 vote in a murder trial, focusing on the jury of the case.  In the beginning,


COSI: Hot Wheels, Poison, and More

COSI’s new Hot Wheels exhibit. (Carolyn Zhang’20) Following COSI’s annual two-week closure, the museum opened to the public once again on September 22, with a new exhibit and different movies for guests to enjoy. From now until January 6, 2019, COSI is hosting a Hot Wheels exhibit, produced by The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis and


Gallery Exhibit Features Fall Landscapes

“Lilly Was Here” by Laurie Clements. (    Academy’s first art exhibit of the year is on display in the Morris Hall gallery, featuring paintings by local artist Laurie Clements P’02 and ’05. Former Middle School art teacher Scott Neal arranged the exhibit.   Art teacher Pedro Mena said, “We decided as a department that Ms.