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The Editorial Board's Post Archives

Editorial: Internet Safety

How dangerous is the internet? On Wednesday, December 2, Jesse Weinberger presented a scary yet powerful case against using the internet heedlessly. She showed us a wide variety of evidence that proves internet is full of danger, utilizing what some have described as “confrontational scare tactics.”

Editorial: Upper School Changes Heartening

The Columbus Academy has changed, and changed for the better. No, we’re not referencing the construction, as much as we all enjoy the sound of drills and backhoes in the morning. We are talking about the positive leadership that has tremendously altered the attitude of the student body.

Editorial: The Modern ”Sadie Hawkins”

The Modern “Sadie Hawkins” We are surrounded by calls for modernism. Feminism is a thing of the past, as it implies girls have to work to be treated equally, and by now it is expected that girls and guys have equal leverage in all areas of life. Our school is on top of this modernism;

Editorial: Dress Code Is Not Unlike an Amoeba

Sweaters, skirts, pants, socks, facial hair; at times it can seem like the school is trying to control every aspect of what we wear and how we look. The hallways buzz with complaints about “new” dress code rules and the unbelievable injustice of them. These complaints have always been around, but lately it seems like