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Attendance Skyrockets After Schoolwide Challenge

Student section cheering after a big basketball upset (Courtesy/Ralph S.)

When it comes to supporting your friends in their sports, a simple “good job” or “nice shot” would make them smile. But showing up for one another may be the greatest gift of all. As a school that emphasizes “respect” in its “5 + 2” motto, Academy sports assemble the community together to cheer on our friends. It is up to us to show up for our athletic friends who devote immense time to their sports, for they represent both Academy and each of its Vikings.

The freshmen Student Council, president Meera S. and officers Noor A., William D., Billy G., Jacob L., and Kendall O., created a schoolwide challenge to raise student attendances at sports games. To qualify, every student had to submit a photo of themselves at a game. As a reward after every school quarter, the people with the most points won small prizes, including candy and a water bottle.

Junior Sunil S. placed 4th, freshman Charlotte K. earned 3rd, freshman Izu N. won 2nd, and junior Seth L. won 1st. As a result of the competition, these students also earned individual points for their grades for Student Council’s ongoing upper school grade challenge. They will determine a prize at the end of the year. In comparison to past seasons, sports games accumulated more spectators over the years, this year being the best one yet.

Stay tuned for the fourth-quarter Google form to submit your pictures for spring sports to win some cool prizes!


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