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Academy Hosts Ohio Junior Classical League’s Fall Forum

Fall Forum (Courtesy/Ms. Bening)

Ohioans gathered together for the Ohio Junior Classical League’s (OJCL) annual Fall Forum on Saturday, October 14 for a classics-themed event for all lovers of Classical Greek, Latin, and Roman Literature. This event is a combined event asthe Ohio Classical Conference (a professional organization for teachers, professors, scholars etC) and the OJCL (student organization for MS/US students) come together for Fall Forum – an event designed to begin the OJCL process and to introduce college folks and  Latin/Greek teacher/students from around the state to one another.

Academy hosts this event each year as a precursor to the OJCL’s state convention in March by featuring numerous on-theme activities like Certamen, a trivia competition which was a big hit. Senior Ceci R., one of Academy’s Latin students and the President of Latin Club, led Fall Forum from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. alongside Upper School Latin teacher, Ms. Bening.

Guest speaker, Julie Berry, spoke about her latest work, Lovely War. The novel is a dual love story during World War I in 1917 Europe. Thirty years after the four lovers, Hazel, James, Aubrey, and Colette, collide in the midst of the war, Greek mythology gods Aphrodite (goddess of love) and Hephaestus (god of fire) seek to answer the burning question: Why are Love and War eternally drawn to one another?

Ceci says, “The day was really fun and inspiring! It’s great to spend time together with fellow Classics enthusiasts from all over Ohio and see a lot of younger students getting involved today.”


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