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Band’s Final Concert and Awards

The year’s last Band concert took place in both the Jones Gym and Hondros Field on Sunday, April 24

Friends and family first gathered in the Jones Gym, where the Band played Among the Stars by Lisa Galvin, a piece they have rehearsed since last November, followed by Michael Brown’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

Then, everyone traveled to Hondros Field to hear the Pep Band arrangements, also known as the music that we may hear at a Pep Rally or sports game. These pieces consisted of Blinding Lights by The Weeknd and Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes.

This year’s award recipients: 

Newest Member: Kate F 

Most Improved: Vernon W and Ridah A

Senior Award – Ben A

Congratulations to the band for a remarkable performance and a spectacular night of music, and a huge shout out to the seniors for their hard work and dedication to the Band program over the past few years! 


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