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Quarantine: Music’s Newest Inspiration

Tyga, creator of “Bored in the House” (Wikimedia Commons)

In the past few months, you’ve probably heard a multitude of new songs with titles such as “Bored in the House,” “Six Feet Apart,” “If the World was Ending,” and “Level of Concern.” Even though these tracks span genres and artists, they have one thing in common: the quarantine.

Songs about sheltering in focus on being cooped up, restlessness, sadness, missing someone they care about. These pieces are usually composed by artists in their homes, often quickly, yet still have an air of authentic lyrics. And these are composed without studio equipment and heavy production. 

Listening to songs that reflect the presnt culture of our times can help us come to terms with our common sense of loneliness. “Better Days”and “Do What You Can” motivate us to be good citizens.

Taking four minutes out of the day to listen to a quarantine-themed song between Zoom classes or creating a quarantine playlist during our free time is something that we can all do to de-stress and find comfort in a small way.


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