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Academy Welcomes Inaugural Girls Golf Team 

Academy’s largest female golf team with Coach Maggie Freytag. (Courtesy/Cindy Wilson via Columbus Academy Facebook)

This year’s fielding of a complete —and sizable— girls golf team marks a new era in CA  athletics.

On August 6, the Columbus Academy girls golf program hit the course for its 2019 debut at the Mid-State-League preseason tournament. 

Coached by Mrs. Maggie Freytag, these trailblazers have already hit the ground running, notching a victory over Buckeye Valley at Oakhaven Golf Club on August 15. 

This isn’t the first time Academy has boasted quality female golfers. CA’s former girls’ golfers have a history of success in individual competition, including several solo victories in various stages of postseason play. 

This year’s team is impressive in its own right, even more so that all eight players — Eva Baker, Quinn Black, Morgan Crain, Eliza Freytag, Vaanika Jindal, Frances Lefkowitz-Pizzuti, Grace Luo, and Cami Seymore and — are 9th graders.

The Academy community is excited about this addition and looks forward to following the girls in their inaugural season. 


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