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Honoring Dr. King’s “Beloved Community” at CA’s Annual Tribute

Dancers from Leap of Faith Dance Studio perform at the MLK Day Assembly (Chris Heermann’18/Media) 

Inspired by Dr. King’s vision of a “Beloved Community,” Academy honored his vision of a society based on justice, equal opportunity and love.

Mixed classes of 9th-11th graders engaged in Community CAfe style discussions prior to our annual assembly to honor Dr. King’s message of tolerance, understanding, and respect. 

Building off of group discussions, students wrote Kindness Promises and placed them on luggage tags, which they exchanged with lower and middle schoolers. These promises were pinned with colorful ribbons onto“clouds,” (fish netting)  posted on walls in the Jones Gym.

A group of dancers, choreographed by Crystal Boyce, performed to “Amazing Grace,” followed by several seniors and their kindergarten buddies, who read their Kindness Promises to the school. The choir closed the assembly, with a heartfelt rendition of “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” also known as the Black National Anthem,  a song that embodies the African American struggle to gain freedom throughout our nation’s history.


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