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Academy’s Annual Faculty and Staff Appreciation Day

(Photo/Inji Kang’19/Media Team)

Staying up late to grade papers, skipping lunch to teach us material, and being available when we need them, our teachers do so much for us. So, Faculty Staff Appreciation Day (FSAD) is a day when we, the students, show our gratitude. This day also acknowledges former faculty and staff and those people who cook our meals, clean our halls, and maintain our facilities

The Service Boards sets up a luncheon with food ranging from cake to salad to pasta. And, the Shapers buy the teachers’ favorite candy, a little treat for everything they do. We also give the faculty delicious cookies from Golden Delight, a bakery in downtown Gahanna.

It is a time when retirees, current teachers, and administrators come together to celebrate the work they have done in creating students that are strong in mind, body and character. Students participate by writing thank you notes to their teachers. Envelopes cover the bulletin board in the days leading up to the event.

On behalf of Columbus Academy, we say thank you to our teachers and staff, who work tirelessly to educate and to keep our school in good condition.

We would not be the engaged citizens that we are today without you.


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