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Yet Another Surprising Turn in the 2016 White House Race

As if the 2016 Presidential Election could not get any more out of hand, last week New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, endorsed Donald Trump’s candidacy. Christie, who sought to be portrayed as the tough guy in the room, departed the race earlier in February due to a disastrous result in the New Hampshire primary and is said to have been courted by several of the remaining candidates for an endorsement.

As political pundits attempt to figure out the motivation for this endorsement, the media has recovered statements from the past few months where Christie claimed, “Showtime is over. We are not electing an entertainer-in-chief. Showmanship is fun, but it is not the kind of leadership that will truly change America.”

Yet, on February 26, at a speech in Fort Worth, Texas, Christie came out saying, “There is no one who is better prepared to provide America with the strong leadership that it needs, both at home and around the world, than Donald Trump.” Yes, you read that correctly. A former U.S. Attorney and second-term governor of a major state has endorsed a former reality TV star for the Presidency.

And it gets worse. For an appearance on CNN this Sunday, Trump refused to denounce or acknowledge an endorsement from David Duke, former leader of the Ku Klux Klan. He also retweeted a quote from Benito Mussolini, the fascist former Italian dictator, which reads, “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.”

With 661 delegates at stake on Tuesday’s “Super Tuesday” primaries, time is running out for one of the other four GOP candidates to emerge as the uniter in the anti-Trump movement.

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