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A Lesson on Unhealthy Relationships: One Love


The sophomores recently watched a short film accompanied by a lesson on healthy relationships created by the One Love Foundation and sponsored by the family of a college student who lost her life from an abusive relationship. School’s counselors and health teachers, Mrs. Dillon and Ms. Hines, supervised the feature. The lesson taught students how to distinguish a healthy relationship from a toxic and unhealthy one, implementing several activities. The video provided an inside look into a romantic relationship that appeared perfect on social media but, in reality, involved both psychological and physical abuse. 

The lesson following the film stressed to never trust social media and how to get help if anyone we know or we, ourselves, is going through an abusive relationship and doesn’t know how to get out. We learned about the “cycle of abuse” and how to break it.

I found this lesson to be informative and important, for it provided insight for me that relationships are not how they appear on social media and that everyone has struggles that no one else sees. Only the highlights are displayed on social media and usually can give a falsely positive impression of unhealthy relationships. 


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