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CASA Strikes Chords for Community

Dr. Olay Alonso performs. (Coutesy/Katie V.)
The delicious smells (of hamburgers and cookies) wafting through the Dining Hall during lunch period were accompanied by beautiful strains of music on Wednesday, Oct. 9. Columbus Academy’s Spanish Affinity group (CASA) enlivened Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations by inviting Dr. Orlay Alonso, an accomplished pianist in the CA community, to perform for the Middle and Upper School.

Dr. Alonso performed Spanish, Cuban, and Venezuelan pieces, and some Middle School students even joined in on the music-making, demonstrating their own prowess at the keyboard. This exemplified the focus on community for this occasion, compared to Dr. Alonso’s previous performances for CA. “Music is a big thing that can bring people together,” said senior Katie V., a CASA co-leader.

In addition to this celebration, the CASA parent affinity has organized events such as the ¡Hola! tailgate and student tortilla making to deepen community connections during Hispanic Heritage Month, which ends on Tuesday, Oct. 15. 


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