(Courtesy/Ms. Bening)
One of Columbus Academy’s most beloved traditions continued on Friday, September 8 with the Charlie David Dinner. Families gathered in the Lazarus courtyard to support Academy’s largest athletic fundraiser. As the pep band bellowed, people assembled at various outdoor tables. In a departure from previous years of catering, the school provided a variety of food trucks like Broke Johny’s, the Cheesey Truck, City Barbeque, Cupzilla, Dos Hermanos, Ninja Bowls, Schmidt’s Sausages, and Zaki Grill. A $20. meal ticket allowed for dinner at any of the locations provided. The Viking Corner was also open for families to shop for spirit wear!
Located on the blacktop adjacent to the festivities, the boardwalk welcomed children of all ages to play games and win prizes. Service Board set up tables for clubs and affinity groups to engage with both younger and older audiences. Some activities included trivia from the National History Day club and slime making at the Science Olympiad table.
The event ran from 5-7 p.m. , followed by the football team that faced off and won against Fort Laramie. Students dressed in all black to participate in the blackout theme. Dessert included the Graeter’s Ice Cream truck and the Kona Ice truck.