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Service: The Best Day of the Year

All upper school advisories contributed to service work in  Central Ohio on Friday, September 7th. (Pixabay)

Promised to be “the best day of the year” by Ms. Bening, students participated in Academy’s annual Service Day on Friday, September 7.

The day began with several advisories heading out to their sites while others stayed in school to attend an assembly with guest speaker Becky Westerfelt, executive director at the Huckleberry House.

The Huckleberry House is a housing program designed towards housing teens and helping to resolve family issues. This service is promoted for young adults that have suffered from various forms of abuse and homelessness.

Students watched an informational video and listened as Ms. Westerfelt described the importance of both this house and the need for service in our community.

Immediately following the assembly, advisories journeyed off to various sites across the city as they began their day of giving.

The freshmen traveled to environmental sites and other outside areas, such as parks and community gardens. Sophomore advisories went to food pantries and food banks (Meals on Wheels). Juniors and seniors worked at more direct service locations, such as shelters where food was cooked and served and helped out at different Columbus City Schools.


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