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Selected Speech and Debate teammates head to states

On Saturday, February 3, Academy’s Speech and Debate team traveled to Upper Arlington for the districts. Thirty-five students competed for Academy against 14 other schools and nineteen Vikes qualified for states (four of whom are alternates). CA competed in nine different events, with Grace H., Bella L. and Jennifer L. in Program Oral interpretation;  Dane C., Dillin G., and Hangsheng X. in Extemporaneous Speaking; Arnav N. in Informative Speaking; Gavin H. in Humorous interpretation; Hannah A., Isabelle E., Taylor G., and Alina L. in Duo; Caroline M. and Chaz M. in Dramatic Interpretation; Meera S. and David W. in Congress; and Ellie T. and Jacob K. in Original Oratory.

Humorous interpretation is similar to stand up comedy. Dramatic Interpretation is more sad. Program Oral interpretation (POI) combines short stories or novels with poetry to create a thematic program. Declamation is when you take a speech someone else has written and make it your own. Extemporaneous  is divided between IX (international ) and USX (U.S.) issues. Here students have 7 minutes to deliver a speech and refer to citations in their research. Original Oratory is persuasion-based speaking. In Informative, you create and refer to visual aides in your speech like a teacher in a classroom. 

Columbus Academy competes in the Ohio Speech and Debate Association and the organization is keen on giving students the most opportunities to grow and develop their skills as orators. For example, if a student has a bad day at districts, they can compete in the national qualifier and, if they place  in the top 8, can participate in the national and state competition.

Speech and Debate head coach, Ms. Reiner, says that the leniency shows an understanding of the growth and value of the student. The national qualifier will take place at Dublin Jerome on February 16 and 17. Good luck to our students!


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