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Little Dribblers Steal the Show at Pep Rally

Academy had its second all-school pep rally of the year on Friday, January 26, the day of its large rivalry boys basketball match with Bexley. The band played with force, and the seniors sat with their kindergarten buddies.

The event began with an introduction from student body co-presidents Angela H. and Mikey J., who noted that the third graders were not sitting with the rest of us at the pep rally because they were to perform as the Little Dribblers, a program CA runs where third graders practice a dribbling routine to present in front of the school and at a basketball game. 

The Little Dribblers rushed onto the gym floor after Angela and Mikey’s words and proceeded to perform a 3-minute choreographed dance that featured bouncing the basketball while lying down or moving the ball circularly around the body.

After the third graders’ performance, the rally continued with a fun competition from the student body. Each upper school grade level competed in a relay race where each team member had to ride in a human-sized plastic bubble, pushed by their teammates across the gym floor. The senior team edged out a victory.

To cap off the day, our Vikings Vlad and Vicky did battle with the Bexley Lion and its henchman in a hula hoop game. Bexley team did not complete a single successful throw, while Vicky caught all 13 of Vlad’s hoops.


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