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Admissions Dean Matt Hyde Guides Juniors

Matt Hyde (Melanie Q./Staff)

To the class of 2025: Where will we be in 592 days? We could be in New York or California or even across the world in Europe. We will be with new friends and teachers on a journey to pursue our passions. Our futures are uncertain, undecided, and open to endless possibilities of what “college” may bring. Juniors have begun the long-dreaded college application process, a daunting thought for many: this marks the first step in growing up, stepping into our future, and embracing a new community.

To ease some stress, Academy’s College Counselors invited Matt Hyde, the Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid at Trinity College, to speak to all juniors on Wednesday, January 24. After talking to parents from 8:00-9:00 a.m., he met with 11th graders during Common Hour at 10:00 a.m. 

Hyde introduced himself, mentioning that his wife is an Academy graduate, and explained why he pursued admissions. After majoring in biology, Hyde realized that he enjoyed the larger ecosystems and environmental aspect more than microbiology. He took a few history courses, which piqued his interest in ancient communities and how humans impact their surroundings. With a particular fascination in shaping artificial communities, he does just that at Trinity College: creating a diverse environment by selecting suited applicants. 

With his experience in admissions, Hyde provided a few main takeaways: first, your story should explain the “how?” and “why?” behind the “what.” That is, colleges want to know your aspirations and what motivates you in your endeavors. They have a holistic approach, evaluating your inner values and unique aspects rather than focusing solely on scores. Hyde also emphasized not worrying so much or only participating in activities to “look good” for college. Instead, we should enjoy our youth and trust in the process because everything will be okay. 

Sitting on the edge of the stage with a relaxed posture and glasses propped on his head, Hyde facilitated a conversational experience. Rather than feeling like a speaker was lecturing me, I felt at ease, like I was receiving advice from an experienced friend. I enjoyed the balance between helpful information and putting things into perspective; both talking points soothed my anxiety. 

Matt Hyde is right: we are in good hands, the future is bright, and in 592 days, we will embark on a new chapter in our lives.


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