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Serving Over MLK, Jr. Weekend

AA A. (Milana B./Staff)

Taking advantage of the long weekend that celebrates Dr. martin Luther King, Jr., the Service Board organized its annual Baking for Good event on Monday, January 15. Organized by Milana B., Malia C., and Lara W., the event took place in the Dining Hall. The team of 26 volunteers had all the materials to began the day, first forming dough for the baking bread. 

While the dough rose, students created banners for Faculty Staff Appreciation Day. During the next week, the school community will sign these banners to thank our teachers and staff. 

With the help of shaper Olivia L., the rest of the students helped move clothes from Morris Hall to the Clothing Closet. Once there, volunteers reorganized the closet by gender and size and restocked the closet. Shaper Milana B. said, “This took a long time, but it wouldn’t have been a success without everyone who helped!”

Once these tasks were completed, the team moved onto Project Linus. Everyone received a quilt square and traced a coloring page onto it. The pieces’ designs ranged from Disney characters to animals. The group donated the completed squares to Project Linus where they will stitch together the pieces into a quilt. The quilts provide comfort to children with illness during their treatments. 

After this, it was time to get back to bread baking. Each volunteer cut and shaped their bread into 272 rolls to be donated to Faith Mission, a homeless shelter. Service Board also donated deli meat and cheese, so the organization could make sandwiches.  

Students wrapped up the day with recycling stuffed bins from every site around the school. 

Milana B. said, “As someone who has run this event for the past three years of high school, I can confidently say that this was the most successful, productive day that Baking for Good has ever had. We spent MLK Day giving back to our community in five different ways in honor of his remarkable service to our country, and that is something worth noting!”

Thank you to everyone who attended and organized this event


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