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In Praise of Common Hour

Students collaborate with peers during Common Hour. (Melanie Q./Staff)

Picture this: students playing board games, catching up on assignments, spending time outdoors. This is what our former student body co-presidents, Davey A. and Gurby V., proposed a Common Hour to our admistration as a mental health initiative for students to relax during the school day.

Students enjoyed the first Common Hour of the year on Wednesday, September 13, meeting with teachers for help and making up missed work as others collaborated with friends outdoors. 

Several seniors lounged in hammocks on the Senior Quad as their classmates played spikeball, frisbee, and football. Others took advantage of the basketball court, sand volleyball net, and ping pong tables. 

As always, faculty prepared several special sessions: Ms. Downey took students to the Peck Green House and Garden to plant winter greens. The college counselors invited admissions officers from the University of the South, University of Richmond, and Pomona College to speak with juniors and seniors. 

Students and faculty appreciated Mr. Dow’s special schedule of shortened blocks by five minutes and the ten extra minutes for lunch, giving people more time to socialize with peers. 

Student body co-president Angela H. said, “The Student Council initiative from two years ago was beneficial, and I’m so glad Ms. Izokaitis has approved this tradition to continue. It was great to see students catching up on work to get a head start to the school year, enjoying the sunshine by playing outside and socializing with their friends.”



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