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Boys Lacrosse Wraps Up Season

(Ethan K./Media)

Playing in the first round of the state tournament, the Vikes faced off against Johnstown at home on Tuesday, May 16. With only 11 minutes left in the first quarter, the Vikes gained their first goal scored by Nick T., following by Miles F. who added 3 more, along with 1 from Mikey J. to advance the lead. With more goals from Mikey J. and Nick T., the team secured a 13-goal lead heading into the second half and ending the game with 17-1. 

Because of the first round win, the team secured a spot in the second round. The Vikes traveled to DeSales for a rematch against the Stallions on Friday, May 19. The Stallions snagged an early goal with just 9:41 left in the first quarter. The Vikings struggled to keep up with Desales who ended haftime with a 8-point lead.The Vikes gained 3 goals in the second half but fell 13-3, cutting their tournment short. 

The Vikes ended their the season at 5-12.


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