Sixth graders are an integral component in the K-4-K Food Drive ecosystem. (Courtesy/Ms. Forchione)
Just as ninth-graders volunteered on their second Service Day, a new service event for our sixth-graders was established this fall to involve more of the school community. Previously this grade’s participation in K-4-K was spread over multiple advisories or study halls.
By consolidating service and educational activities into one school day, Sixth Grade team leader, Mr. Carter, noticed his students’ stronger connection between service and their impact in the K-4-K. He was also impressed by their upbeat attitude and engaged productivity as 89 students sorted thousands of items, watched informational movies about nutrition, and reflected upon the value of service.
The sixth-graders felt a sense of accomplishment and liked helping the high school.We are looking forward to these future US students to becoming leaders of K-4-K Drive.