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Serving by Apple Picking Sets New Record

Pictured are the record breaking 10-pound and 20-pound bags of apples. (Courtesy/Milana B.)

Once fall arrives, outdoor activities like apple picking rise to the forefront of many minds. On Sunday, September 25, CA families ventured to Lynd Fruit Farm to collect and donate apples, as part of our Service program’s tradition. Conceived about 15 years ago by Service Board and PACA Service Reps Karen S. and Rebecca S., both organizations wanted to introduce younger Vikings to service and to support healthy eating habits.

US students including seniors, accompanied by about 20 of their K-buddies, filled 82 bags with golden delicious, red delicious and Jonagold apples to be distributed among Worthington, Pickerington, and NNEMAP food pantries. This year Columbus Academy’s apple gathering broke its former record by 195 lbs: the new record now stands at 1,640 pounds!

Thank you to student leaders Milana B., Maren L., Stella L., and Alex L., who organized the volunteers and managed the day’s logistics. 

Donating “apples to smaller pantries helps them spend their monetary budgets on other mission-driven needs.” – Ms. Roberts


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