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REVIEW: There Will Be Blood: Greed at its worst


Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson, There Will Be Blood is a historical drama that follows oilman Daniel Plainview in his ruthless pursuit of wealth. Set in the 1910 during the California oil boom, the film depicts the early-days of an industry where anything is fair game. Plainview schemes early on, buying and drilling land under the guise of a trustworthy family man with his son as a business partner. His further ambitions stall, however, when he meets pastor Eli Sunday whose town sits under a vast ocean of oil, and is controlled by his religious authority. Both men grow to resent each other, viewing their foe as an obstacle to their ultimate goal— Daniel’s hunger for money and Eli’s craving for power. As their conflict escalates, the former’s complete lack of empathy and disregard for people comes to light.

The cinematography and acting only elevate the movie, with Daniel Day-Lewis delivering an outstanding performance as the cunning oil tycoon. 

Due to its slow pacing and 2 hour and 37 minutes runtime, viewers may struggle to finish the film, but I can assure you it is worth it.

Rated R, There Will Be Blood originally released in 2007 and is available to stream on Paramount+. 


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