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Serving at Service Fairs

US speakers introduce Middle School students to local service venues (Courtesy/ Ms. Bening)

With warmer temperatures becoming more prevalent, you may have begun your summer planning. Besides completing the US summer reading assignment, you may want to consider volunteering if you have not completed the 45 off-campus service hours required to graduate or want to help our community. 

To provide more students with ways to procure an appropriate nonprofit organization, Service Board expanded its Service Fair to include Middle School students. On Wednesday May 11, during MS flex time, 73 students assembled in the theater and learned about five local organizations. Arya C, Sophia C, Lia H, Emily M, Megan K, and Charlie T shared their experiences about volunteering for ACEing Autism, Friendship Circle, Buddy Up Tennis, Mid-Ohio Food Bank, and Gahanna Parks, respectively.

If you missed this year’s Service Fair, the slideshow and videos describing the service organizations presented may be available later. 

After discovering a service opportunity that sparks your interest, submit a Service Site Proposal for Service Board approval. Whether a proposal is submitted before Service Board’s last meeting of this school year or over the summer, decisions are usually made within a week. Paper forms are located near Dr. Bundy’s room or use the below link to access the online form:


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