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Boys Dominate in Track

Manny Eribo’21 edges up in the 100 meter dash (Credit/Ms. Wilson).

On Tuesday, April 13, the boys track team competed in its first home meet against Gilead Christian and Tree of Life. 

In the relays, Stephen Wright’22, Liam Ross’22, Jake Huddleston’21, and Vinny White’21 triumphed in the 4×800 with a time of 10:09.83, and in the 4×400, Jack Yeoman’24, Zech Kim’23, E.J. Jenkins’23, and Luke Nester’21 flew to a win with a time of 3:51.24. 

In sprints, Manny Eribo’21 ran to a first place finish in the 100 meter dash with a blistering time of 11.43 seconds; in the 200, Eribo once again triumphed with a quick time of 23.40 seconds. Sam Huyghe’21 came out on top in the 400 meter dash with a time of 53.43 seconds.

For the long distance events, Nester ran hard to win the 800 in 2:10.99; Huddleston flew to a 5:13 mile and a solid victory.  Huddleston added another first place in the 3200, with a time of 11:43.02.

In the field events, Gabe Aebi’24 came out on top in the 110 meter hurdles with a 20.71. In the 300 hurdles, Kevin Wang’23 triumphed with a time of 48.68. Eribo jumped a distance of 18-10.25 to win the long jump. Gabe Taub’21 threw a94-06 to win discus, and and Ben Anasis’22 put the shot 36-04.00, enough for a win in the event.

This solid showing won Academy the meet, giving the team some momentum going into the Pat McMillin Invitational at Whitehall against Africentric, Bishop Ready, Columbus Independence, East Columbus, Hilliard Darby, Mifflin, Northland, Pickerington Central, Walnut Ridge, Wellington, and Whitehall.

Vaughn Armour’21 placed 15 in the 100 meter dash.  Nester flew to first place in the 1600, with a sensational 4:50.04, and and Wang PR’d with a 49.19 second 6th place finish in the 300 meter hurdles. 


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