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Academy Honors Black History Month

Martin Luther King, Jr. speaks at Interfaith Civil Rghts Rall y at the San Francisco Cow Palace, June 30, 1964 (Flickr)

Amid our uncertain world, our re-evaluation of American history, a movement for racial justice, and a raging pandemic, Academy stood in solidarity with Black Americans during Black History Month in February. As Academy celebrated Black History Month, we recognized that Black history is American history. 

We celebrated Black leaders, whose names both remain at the forefront of America’s story and those persons who may have been left out of the narrative to the general public.

On Sunday, February 28, MOSAIC held A Celebration of Excellence & Entrepreneurship, a Zoom event featuring conversations with successful Black entrepreneurs from our community. Guests included Ryan Williams’08 and Co-Founder and President of Jopwell, Gale Hill, a McDonald’s franchisee, Elizabeth Blount McCormick, President of Uniglobe Travel Designers, Te’Lario Watkins II, founder of Tiger Mushroom Farms, and Jonathan Moody, President and CEO of Moody Nolan. Open to all members of the Academy community, attendees learned the importance of networking and perseverance.

Black names decorate the Senior Lounge Bulletin Board, including under-recognized athletes, astronauts, and scientists, including medical pioneer, Daniel Hale Williams. 

Advisories viewed documentaries that expanded their understanding of the “renaissance” concept, delving into the African American cultural revival in 1920s Harlem. 

Academy’s Black Organization of Students (BOS) shared a playlist that conveyed the Black experience and showcased Black voices,  ranging from Childish Gambino’s “Stand Tall” to Stevie Wonder’s “I Wish.” For BOS’s full playlist, click here:




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