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Apple’s New iPhone 12: Now Supporting 5G

Apple’s iPhone 12 with 5G capabilities (CourtesyApple)
Apple recently released its newest and most highly-anticipated iPhone 12. From a peripheral view, there appear to be no modifications compared to its previous mode. But let’s take a closer look.
Apple’s iPhone 12 comes packed with a variety of features, withits most impressive having the ability to support 5G. 
5G is the next generation of cellular connectivity and speed, using higher frequency airways that are currently being innovated by  Sprint and T-Mobile. Compared to its predecessor, 5G is estimated to be over 100 times faster than 4G, which has obvious consumer benefits of app downloading and movie streaming. Moreover, the speed of 5G also supplies companies with the ability to monitor and provide enhanced security footage in manufacturing facilities.
Combined with speed, 5G also brings latency down to nearly zero. Latency is the time it takes for your device to send packets of information to another device, like a photo or text message. This becomes a serious issue when transferring large video files over cellular data, yet 5G has eliminated this issue.
5G also contains an increased capacity, meaning consumers will experience enhanced connection and an increased number of devices that connect onto a certain network. 
Although 5G is in the early stages of development, with issues in reliability and providing it to the general public, cellular companies are hopeful about the next generation of connectivity.

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