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April Absadity: Round of Eight

The round of eight bracket for April Absadity (Ethan Weiser'22)

This week, April Absadity hit record voter turnout with a solid group of 10 people participating! The winners from each matchup read as such:

In the productivity region, four-seed cleaning out your inbox upset one-seed walking your dog by a whole 10% while two-seed organizing barely beat out three seed DIY/home improvement.

In the academic region, four-seed reading blew out one-seed learning a new language and three-seed playing an instrument squeaked past two-seed learning a new skill.

In the leisure region, one-seed Zooming friends and family just beat four-seed watching TV and movies, and two-seed enjoying the good weather blew three-seed listening to music out of the water.

Finally, in the athletic region, four-seed pilates/yoga and three-seed biking defeated one-seed running and two-seed online workout videos, respectively.

With only a single one-seed making it through to the round of 16, this tournament could go to anyone!

To vote on the round of eight, fill out this quick Google Form.


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