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Junior Speeches Now Take Place in Renovated Schoedinger Theatre

Kayla McClendon at podium. Seated are Zoey Black, Andrew Golden, and Gabe Taub, who all are this year’s first group of juniors to deliver their speeches in the renovated Schoedinger Theatre. (Courtesy/Andy Morris)

On October 31, Zoey Black, Andrew Golden, Kayla McClendon, and Gabe Taub, respectively, were the first group to give their Junior Speeches in the newly renovated Schoedinger Theater. 

Earlier this school year, there were 8 rounds of speeches that took place in the Dining Hall. While the temporary venue was a nice change in atmosphere, many welcome the return to tradition and the familiarity of the theater, as well as the space’s new features. 

The latest upgrades include acoustic paneling and a large flat screen in the Susan Neal Lobby, bothg of which will enhance the Junior Speech experience for many years to come.


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