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Academy Hosts 4th Annual OJCL Fall Forum

OJCL Fall Forum attendees play a competitive game of ultimate frisbee. (Carolyn Zhang’20)
On Saturday, October 12, Latin students across Ohio attended the 4th annual Ohio Junior Classical League (OJCL) Fall Forum, an all-day exploration of the Latin language hosted by Columbus Academy. 

This event was planned for months in advance by the OJCL Executive Board as well as Academy’s Latin Club.

OJCL President Ryan Burns kicked off the day with a warm welcome before directing students to the first activity: creative arts competitions and testing. Some chose to partake in a Latin recitation of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”

Next, Jack Emmert, CEO of Daybreak Games’ Austin Studio,  presented his educational background in the classics and how it prepared him for a career in business. He noted that Latin taught him the invaluable skills of versatility and vision, which he argued could apply towards any field.

Following ultimate frisbee and “Certudi,” a trivia challenge, students participated in a service project: making cards for local hospitalized children. 

After lunch, OJCL officers led “colloquia” a series of short seminars on topics including OJCL spirit and running for an executive board position. 

The event concluded with a discussion on the Greek and Roman concepts of race by Professor Denise McCoskey of Miami University before students with the highest performances from the creative arts competitions and testing were presented with awards during the Forum’s closing ceremony.

The OJCL Fall Forum served as a nice preliminary event for new Latin students as we look ahead to the annual OJCL state convention in March. 


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