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Service Fair Highlights Academy’s Commitment to Community

AS in years past, the service fair attracts a large crowd. (Marcus Grewal’19/Staff)

Columbus Academy has always emphasized the value of community service, and this year’s Service Fair was no different. Held on Thursday, April 18, the event took place by the fireside of the school’s Dining Hall.

At Academy, each high school student completes a total of 50 hours of service, 45 of which must take place with an external organization. Planning out when and where to complete service hours can be daunting at times, so the fair aims to provide students with suggestions and options that may be of interest.

During the fair, many members of the school’s Service Board setup tables for different charity organizations. Also included are programs such as Feed the Hungry and the MDA camps. They then advertised these groups to the other students. This way, students could find the areas of service that appealed to them and gather contact information.

The event maintained an easygoing atmosphere with snacks and popcorn. Many of the attendees were middle school students, who wanted to learn more about service as they transition into the high school.

This exceptional service fair was organized by Service Board president Caroline Mallory, vice-president Himaja Reddy, and Service Chair Christy Bening.

More information about service at Academy can be found on the Service Board website:


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