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Morris Hall’s New Art Exhibit: “A Place I Call Home”

“A Place I Call Home” features students’ interpretations of what “Home”means to them in Morris Hall’s New Exhibit. (Andrew Barren’22/Media)

When the Service Board announced its theme as “Home” at the beginning of this school year, Upper School Art Teacher, David Block, suggested that the art department create a showcase based on this topic.

Art students were asked to create a visual of what “Home” meant to them. But no other instructions were given. Some interpreted the theme in a literal sense and drew houses while others decided to be more abstract and featured things such as cows and campsites in their artwork. These different varying interpretations show the variety of ways in which people think, which was exactly Mr. Block’s goal for the assignment.

On October 26, the “A Place I Call Home” exhibit was put on display in the Morris Hall gallery, a culmination of the students’ hard work.

Mr. Block noted the exhibit’s incorporation of bowls made for the annual Empty Bowls event in December. He found that it was an interesting concept since the proceeds from the bowls will go towards helping Habitat for Humanity, an organization that builds affordable housing for people in need, many of whom have never had a permanent home before.

At the same time, selections from the Alumni Collection are being showcased in the Morris Hall gallery loft. The collection was initially started when Mr. Block began purchasing some of his students’ works from senior art shows. He said he did this both as a way to say thank you to those students and to have special keepsakes from his years teaching at Academy.

Both exhibits will run until December 14.


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