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Fall Play Review: “Twelve Angry Jurors”

Jurors begin deliberation. Grace Harrison’19/Staff

On November 2 and 3 at 7:30PM in the Schoedinger Theater, the cast of Twelve Angry Jurors performed a drama of jurors assigned to a murder case.

In the beginning, eleven jurors vote “guilty” with one who votes “innocent.” Opinions change as juror question about evidence and facts.  Each juror has a distinct personality. For example, Juror 2 is timid while Juror 3 is loud aggressive. Individual tubbornness makes deliberations difficult, resulting in shouting and multiple arguments.

Twelve Angry Jurors is set in the 1960’s. Mrs. Donna Williamson is in charge of costumes, and she kept them accurate to the time period. The female jurors wore dresses with skirts ending just below the knee, while all the male jurors had on suspenders with their button down shirts and dress pants.

Ideally, Twelve Angry Jurors should be a thought-provoking show. The cast made sure this was the case, eloquently delivering lines on the importance of recognizing bias and having civilized conversation.

The cast did an excellent job portraying points of view that weren’t necessarily their own. While they took their final bow, the audience gave a standing ovation and continued clapping after the curtain closed.



Bailiff- Jay Whitney’21

Foreman- Bobby Diller’19

Juror 2- Sophia Tidwell’19

Juror 3- Michael Hoffman’20

Juror 4- Mira Bhasin’19

Juror 5- Sejal Jindal’21

Juror 6- Eden Singleton-Tarr’22

Juror 7- C.J. Leet’21

Juror 8- Aylah Mendenhall’19

Juror 9- Simon Iobst’20

Juror 10- Sidney Edson’19

Juror 11- Ryan Reagan’22

Juror 12- Cole Raiken’19



Student Director/Sound- Nikki Turley’20

Stage Manager/Set Design- Katie Anderson’19

Stage Crew- Jack Keith’20, Nate Rausch’21, Spencer Swartz’22, Ryan Wahl’20

Lights- Nate Rausch’21, Rehya Satish’22

Program- Mrs. Stacy Nockowitz

Tickets- Mr. David Block

Costumes- Mrs. Donna Williamson

Director- Mr. D. Scott Dillon


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