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The Fight for Net Neutrality

(Unsplash, CC0) Caption: Protests at Telecom Prom

After December 14th, the repeal for net neutrality started, but its effects aren’t really showing.

As it turns out, Google, Netflix, Facebook, and other large tech industries are against the repeal as these companies could face heavy charges from ISP’s to not be throttled. ISP’s are also stating that they will not throttle speeds or block websites. Even if they do, they would have to be small changes or else their customers would be angered.

States have also tried to bring back net neutrality. Montana’s governor has made an executive order to force net neutrality rules on ISP’s in his state. Not only Montana, but New York and Rhode Island are also trying to pass bills to keep net neutrality. Since this is the first time something like this has happened, it may encounter legal challenges.

Some democrats and republicans are also on the side of net neutrality, as they have called to pass certain laws to bring back some net neutrality. Though the chances of these laws passing are low, they are not at zero, and even if the repeal is here to stay, it might not show its effects for at least another year.


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