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Following the Project Linus event on Monday, January 15, members of the Latin Club participated in an OJCL-sponsored Certamen invitational. 

Certamen, a quiz bowl-styled trivia game, has teams arranged middle schoolers to more advanced levels of Latin. Each round consists of 20 questions, with teams playing 3 rounds.

The format for each question is similar to Jeopardy. Following the question are two bonus questions. The person who answers the first question correctly then consults with his/her team to answer the bonus questions.

Academy was pleased to host both CSG and Wellington this year.

Taylor McGowan’18 and Marcus Grewal’19 sit on the OJCL state board.

Both students and their team will compete at the annual OJCL convention, held at the Double-Tree Inn from March 9-11, at which 800 students attend nationwide.


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