“Walk for the Cure” starting line. (Eliana Jenkins’20/Staff)
On October 1, families, volunteers, and sponsors gathered at the Ohio Stadium to walk two miles around the OSU campus, advocating for those with Type 1 Diabetes.
The day began with check-in, followed by families, friends, and other promoters of this cause, most wearing custom made Tee-shirts for the event, to support their diabetic loved ones. Live music, food, and games took place before the walk, which began at 10:30 in the morning.
The JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) hosts its annual “One Walk” in Columbus and nationwide to raise research money to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes: an auto-immune disease affecting approximately three million Americans, 15% of them being children.
This year’s event raised netted 448,469 toward toward JDRF’s 601,280 goal, with an aim to turn “One Walk” into “Type One into Type None,” through more donations and other events sponsored by the foundation