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CA’s (not-so) Secret Study Space

Lounging and Focussed in the US Library. (Max Dresibach’18/Staff)

Do you ever feel like it’s impossible to find somewhere quiet to study? As summer grows closer and the weather become nicer, it can get pretty noisy on campus.

One small space that has recently opened with the arrival of spring. If you haven’t been paying attention, you might have missed it. 

Tucked away in the back of the Upper School library is a small patio with furniture that seats up to eight people at a time. It is the best of both worlds  for Academy students: a perfect escape for those who want some peace and quiet but also want to enjoy the nice weather. 

So, the next time that you are having trouble focusing on homework or studying, try out the new space that CA students are taking advantage of and doing so happily.


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