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“The Drowsy Chaperone” Emphasizes Theatre’s Sacredness

(Courtesy/Andy Morris)

To paraphrase the “Man in the Chair” in “The Drowsy Chaperone,” the theatre is escapism. It takes us out of the never-ending chaos and anxiety of real life and transports us into an enchanting new reality. 

Thank you to the cast, crew, and directors of CA’s 2017 production of “The Drowsy Chaperone” for creating a space for just that.

After speaking with members of the show, many of them cited worries over inappropriateness and cultural appropriation that may have not sat well with the crowd, but this musical  undoubtedly hit the mark. 

The melodramatic adventure pushed the line but didn’t cross it, leaving audience members in squealing and uncontrollable giggles. 

It’s the time of year when schoolwork is at its height and the disarray of life itself may feel overbearing, but the CA theatre department gave its community the relaxing yet captivating weekend it needed.

Perhaps most impressive of all was how the show highlighted our small community’s broad talent. After a week of sports wows and an amazing senior art show, bold students stood before a packed theatre and hit every note and chanted every line with vigor and precision.

Congratulations to all involved with “The Drowsy Chaperone” on an exceptional performance.


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