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Taking the ACT in School

(Licensed/Creative Commons Zero)

In junior year, most Columbus Academy students take the American College Test on campus. This year, most juniors took the exam on April 19, under the supervision of Darnell Heywood and Jen Fitzpatrick, Academy’s college counselors.

Mrs. Heywood said, “Junior year is what we call testing year. That’s when students have had the material that they will need to perform well on the exams.” 

It is not unheard of for seniors to take it during the fall, but taking the ACT in  the junior year makes it easier to tackle college applications deadlines in senior year.

Taking the ACT at school gives students the advantage of a “home territory” feel. “You take it at a place where you’re comfortable. You have proctors who you know,” said Heywood. 

Familiarity with your environment helps calm people down when and can increase efficiency when answering questions. Plus, you don’t have to take it on a Saturday.

Creating an escalating ACT study schedule is the key to success. Heywood advises, “Start at the beginning by just getting to know your material. But as you move forward with your test preparation, take it under timed conditions, and get used to following the rhythms of the test.” This method is good for exams in general.

It’s never too early to study for the ACT. Simply knowing the exam’s format and what to expect are benefits.


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