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Internet “Inequality”

In the possible future, many small businesses might go out of business.  (Licensed/ Creative Commons Zero).

The current Federal Communications Commission (FCC) administration has been attempting to end something that it has created and defended over the past decade. Ajit Pai is the current FCC chairman and an opponent to the rules of net neutrality: the principle that internet service providers (ISP) should treat internet traffic equally.

Internet traffic is the flow of information across the internet. Allowing faster speeds on YouTube or slowing down speeds on Netflix are examples of breaking the net neutrality rules.

This is bad for consumers, as it allows ISP’s to charge businesses more to deliver their online services faster to customers.  For those businesses to pay for the faster services, they may—in turn—have to charge their customers more. This will especially hurt small businesses, for if they don’t have the budget pay for faster services, people will switch to other services.

The only people who benefit from no net neutrality are the ISP’s. Big ISP’s like Time Warner Cable and Comcast are going to benefit the most from this, and they already have the lowest customer satisfaction.

Some companies have been going against no net neutrality, including Google, Amazon, Netflix, and Facebook. But despite these complaints, the FCC administration is still pushing for the end of net neutrality.


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